In this episode, we are joined by Paul Thanaarmates Arriyavat, Head of Venture Builders at Kasikorn X, to discuss how Kasikorn X is making blockchain technologies, NFTs, and decentralized finance more accessible to people. Kasikorn X has long been committed to building the future of digital banking through its Business–Technology Group (KBTG). In 2021, KBTG launched Kasikorn X, focused on the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi). In partnership with Google Cloud, Kasikorn X develops projects that make the benefits of DeFi, the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs accessible to most people. With the DeFi space growing so rapidly, any new startup needs to move fast to avoid missed opportunities. As a result, Kasikorn X operates separately from the bank and the KBTG, with its own operating model and culture. To date, Kasikorn X has already launched Kubix, the first ICO portal from a Thai financial institution, and Coral, a marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) empowering Thai and Asian artists to sell their artworks globally. Pauls gives a firsthand account of how the bank is looking to simplify the buying and selling of NFTs with the Coral platform, as most people lack the knowledge or understanding necessary to navigate this space. Coral aims to solve pain points by focusing on three key areas for both the artist and collector community – security, payments and reach. He ends by sharing how Kasikorn X intends to stay competitive by consistently innovating, and creating products that people love because they’re simple and easy to use. At the heart of the business is the same spirit of innovation that continues to drive rapid developments in blockchain, NFTs, and decentralized finance, while the culture is one of learning fast by trying everything.